SAAS Business? It’s Critical You Have Redundancy

If you’re running a SAAS business, and especially if you’re providing this at global level, it is CRITICAL that you have redundancy on your team.

I use a variety of platforms with my clients, and one platform has cost me (so far) nearly a day’s worth of productivity due to being down.

It’s an international product, and I bet they only cater to Northern American time-zones – ie the first time anyone is going to be looking at this error, will probably be when we’re going into dinner time at our end. (Ironically the system reported the error at EETime which is only one hour ahead of my time current zone (UTC+2))


This causes a world of frustration for the end user and may cost you a few contracts if not solved in future.

How to avoid this happening to you:

  1. Find out where the majority of your users are by looking at your logs/analytics. You can create a redundancy priority based on how many users are in which time-zone for one.
  2. Provide a more comprehensive description or ETA to users that are not located in the priority zone.
  3. Have a priority dev team on standby to fix errors such as this timeously. At least that way your clients won’t be day down on productivity.

What other clever tricks do you employ as a SAAS business, or even just with Customer service if you’re available 24/7?


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